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Reading Apprenticeship and RATs: Talking to the Text

This guide is to support RTC's RATs (Reading Apprenticeship Teachers and supporters) in improving student reading comprehension in content-areas with the use of WestEd's Reading Apprenticeship framework. is now being redirected to this site.

Talking to the Text - Definition and Use

Talking to the Text (TttT) is similar to doing a Think Aloud except that Talking to the Text is initially done on an individual basis with students reading the text on their own privately. As they read, students write their comments on the text.  Some of the same questions and prompts used in Think Alouds can be used with Talking to the Text. 

After a student does a private Talking to the Text exercise, then they share their experience with others in a Pair and Share or small group.

For prompts used in Talking to the Text, see WestEd's Think Aloud Bookmarks and Checklists document. The document is available to RTC faculty and staff via the college's T-Drive. 

RAT Tracks Tip Sheet - Talking to the Text

Websites about Talking to the Text

Talking to the Text Videos