This page provides tips for choosing the best resources to assist with your Entrepreneurship research.
RTC Library offers AskWA, a 24 hour a day reference chat service.
To get quality answers - even at 3AM - just click on AskWA and you will quickly be in touch with a librarian who can help with your questions.
How To Find the Information You Need.
Broad Searches: If you want to see large amounts of information - books, journal articles, DVDs, and more - and you don’t mind looking at a few things that you might not need, use RTC's OneSearch.
Try OneSearch Now:
Focused Searches are for when you have a fairly good idea what you need:
Not Finding What You Want?
Need More Help?
If you're not sure what you need, or how to begin, come in to the RTC Library, call us at (425) 235-2331, or email us at If it's after hours, try our reference chat service AskWA. We'll be glad to help.