"The Difference Between Us examines the contemporary science - including genetics - that challenges our common sense assumptions that human beings can be bundled into three or four fundamentally different groups according to their physical traits. 58 minutes. Streaming video; login required if off campus.
Admissions: Student Stories from Undocumented America
This film delves into the inherent contradictions and psychological implications of undocumented students trapped at the intersection of education policy and broken immigration system. The stories of four students demonstrate both the dehumanizing effects of marginalization and their determination to receive a higher education.
What's Race Got To Do With It? Social Disparities and Student Success
Reveal Moments: Microagressions & Race
An intimate portrait of four people of color in the Pacific Northwest coping with microaggressions and implicit bias in everyday life. Their vivid stories create "reveal" moments, where the truth about lived experience shines and inspires. A white ally discusses his experience of privilege as he struggles to learn about and change his own racial bias.
White Like Me: Race, Racism & White Privilege in America