This page provides tips for choosing the best resources to assist with your Veterinary Assistant research.
How To Find the Information You Need.
Broad Searches If you want to see large amounts of information - books, journal articles, DVDs and more - and you don’t mind looking at a few things that you might not need, use RTC's OneSearch.
Try OneSearch Now:
Focused Searches When you know exactly what you need.
Not Finding What You Want?
Need More Help?
If you're not sure what you need, or how to begin, come in to the RTC Library, call us at (425) 235-2331, or email us at If it's after hours, try our reference chat service AskWA. We'll be glad to help!
Inside the Animal Mind: You Are What You Sense. How do animals think? This program focuses on dogs and the sense of smell. 51 Minutes. Call # MEDIA 591.5 INSIDE 2014t