Searchable site with over 20K of short biographies on various people from antiquity to the present. Click the three bars on the left of the top of the page to see their full selection of topics.
A general site about the Supreme Court, its history and decisions both past and present. It has links to bios of past and present Justices as well as other information about their decisions and the Court in general.
Free online access to the full text content of 180 literature guides. Students can ask a question to get started on an assignment through the interactive site "Ask Cliffs" and get an online answer.
Provides Pros and Cons statement on most popular issues. Perfect for speech and communication classes. Citations are available when students need to quote sources.
This site has math questions with their answers arranged by grade level. Students submit questions that are answered by experts then archived for others to review. Might be a useful "how to" site.
Find interesting quizzes, practice, homework help and other materials to keep you occupied; or fun facts, games, puzzles and other cool stuff to make this subject something to be enjoyed rather than dreaded. Have some fun while learning some key skills Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and other categories.
Online interactive resource for learning biology. Content includes Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Human Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Immunology.
Sponsored by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Has charts and brief technical information. Some tables may require Acrobat. Not easily understandable by younger students.
Has FAQ's, links to other resources, and basic information about quakes. There are also some sound files and links to information about specific quakes.
Has links to brief information about selected endangered creatures, why they are endangered, and what is being done. Note that selectable picture does not refer to the creature shown.
Has basic daily and weekly forecasts searchable by place name or zip code. There are also links to articles about weather. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to resources for teachers and students.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights provides information on youth and tobacco; clean indoor air as a youth protection strategy; tobacco industry "prevention" programs; and research on effectiveness of restricting youth access to tobacco.
Electronic versions of eighty books originally sponsored by the U.S. Army and written by researchers affiliated with the Library’s Federal Research Division. Intended for a general audience, the studies provide descriptions and analyses of lesser-known countries or regions where U.S. military forces might be deployed.
Index of data provided by the US Census Bureau, including population, ethnic, divorce, economic, poverty, and migration statistics, as well as the procedures that generate them.
ONDCP features White House Drug Policy initiatives, programs, and publications. Find testimony and press releases. Outlines national drug control strategy goals.
An information sources for mental health information, and providing annotated guides to useful websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists online today in mental health, psychology, social work, and psychiatry.
Links to social psychology topics such as prejudice and discrimination, gender, culture, social influence, interpersonal relations, group behavior, aggression, and more.
Provides students with prevention and intervention tools to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving and other destructive decisions.
An interactive map of slavery’s end during the American Civil War. It finds patterns in the collapse of southern slavery, mapping the interactions between federal policies, armies in the field, and the actions of enslaved men and women on countless farms and city blocks.
PowerMyLearning is a free digital learning platform for K-12 students, parents, and educators, developed by the national nonprofit CFY with thousands of the most compelling publicly available digital