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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culturally Responsive Education: Culturally Responsive Educators

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This list of seven Culturally Responsive Teaching Videos was compiled by Edutopia and the George Lucas Educational Foundation. While geared slightly more to the K-12 context, the videos offer relevant analysis and insight to the college classroom as well.

Valerie Purdie-Vaughns on Unintentional Bias (3:04)

In this short video from Big Think, researcher Valerie Purdie-Vaughnsexplains how bias and assumptions can unconsciously affect the way you act. Although it's geared toward diversity awareness in the workplace, this is a good primer on cultural discrimination.

Expanding Teacher Self-Knowledge (1:27)

Since bias is often unconscious, one of the first things a culturally responsive teacher can do is be aware of assumptions about themselves and their students. This quick tip from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance initiative explains the value of self-reflection.

Office Chat: Culturally Responsive Teaching (9:24)

In this interview, Dr. Kavatas Newell, a faculty member at the University of Mary Washington, introduces some initial ways that teachers can incorporate culturally responsive teaching methods into their classrooms. The audio quality here is a bit low, but the tips are worth it.

The Danger of a Single Story (19:16)

Author Chimamanda Adichie's amazing TED talk introduces "The Danger of a Single Story." Teaching students of other cultures may require that you look past familiar stories and narratives to find school materials that resonate with your students' experiences and lives.

Building Trust With Families (14:12)

Many students from other cultures are English-language Learners (ELL). Although this video is long at 14 minutes, the panel of teachers and principals organized by Colorin Colorado offers great tips for connecting with the families of ELLs.

Recognizing Individual Characteristics (1:10)

This quick video, also from the Teaching Tolerance initiative, reminds viewers to respect students' individuality, even as you learn more about cultural differences and introduce more responsive practices into the classroom.

Education: Culture Matters (14:25)

This video from the Kamehameha Schools showcases the importance of culturally responsive educational programs. Students from the native Hawaiian population thrive when they learn in programs that incorporate their cultural heritage and traditions.

Poverty Can Impact Learning by Dr. Donna Beegle, Jan. 19, 2017. AshfordU Instructional Services. You Tube.  

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