Allied Health Resources at Renton Technical College Library
Finding Paper and eBooks
Finding Journal, Magazine, and Newspaper Articles
To find everything (books, ebooks, and journal, newspaper, and magazine articles) all at once, type your search in the RTC One Search box on the library's main page. (You will also get some items that aren't what you wanted with this search.)
To get more precise results, search the individual databases below:
Useful databases:
Covers all subjects, from medicine to current events to the arts. Includes the full text of over 2000 journals, newspapers, and magazines. |
Covers nursing and allied health. Includes the full text of over 600 journals and magazines with articles on nursing, diseases, health administration, and more. |
Encyclopedias on nursing, nutrition, psychology, and human development, history, alternative medicine, education, and much more. |
Articles on nursing skills and procedures, diseases, drug information, patient information, and more. |
More Help On Finding Resources
RTC Nursing LibGuide at
Finding Credible Health Information on the Internet
These are US government websites that offer credible, non-commercial health information:
Other useful sites include:
Questions? Please contact the Library at (425) 235-2331, or