Staying safe at home -- Stair safety -- Using hot water safely -- Safety in the kitchen -- Keep germs in their place! -- Gross garbage! -- Play it safe!
From, another list of things to check around your home so that you can make it safer. (This is a different list, be safe and go through each list in order to be as safe as possible.)
A printable 20-page checklist from the New York State Department of Health. The details in this list could save your life or the life of someone you love. Use this list with other safety checklists, and look for problems that should be on the list because no list covers everything!
From, you cannot have too many safety checklists - each of these overlapping checklists is different and each one has valuable information.
"An accident or injury can occur in any part of your home. Some safety hazards are obvious — such as a toy truck left lying at the top of the stairs. Others are not so easily identified — such as a stairway railing that has become loose. Use these checklists to make a safety check of your home." No single list covers everything - use this list with other lists and look for problems that should be on the checklist.
From the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, information about a variety of hazards and what to do about them. Website content is available in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Español, French, Korean, and Vietnamese.
From "safety experts have an idea where we go wrong—and what we can do to keep our homes safe from Fire, Carbon Monoxide, Slips and Falls, Electrical Safety, and how to be safe in your 'do it yourself' projects.