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Government Information, Statistics, and more!: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

This LibGuide is an annotated list of government, statistical, and reference information websites.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Bureau of Transportation Statistics:
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), a part of the Department of Transportation (DOT), provides statistics on commercial aviation, multimodal freight activity, and transportation economics, as well as providing context for understanding statistics on transportation. Most of their webpages have a search box in the upper right, and there is an A-Z Index and a Search Option for their statistical reports and data on US transportation systems, including their impacts on the economy, society and the environment.

The five US Department of Transportation Libraries (with their own NTL LibGuides!), and the ROSA_P - the National Transportation Library's Repository and Open Science Access Portal (with 34 digital collections and an advanced search option) contains a lot of documents and reports full of useful information. There is also the Freight Data Dictionary, providing recommendations for using freight data, identifying/resolving differences in data element definitions, and access to over 6,300 data elements and 13,300 glossary terms from multiple freight data sources. For the latest information take a look at their Press Releases.

Below are a variety of links to specific information collections:

Topics, Geography, and Mode: select a topic, a geographic region, or a mode of transportation to explore information about the transportation system.




Statistical Products and Data
Browse databases, surveys, reports and other statistical products created by BTS. Use BTS tools to build your own statistical tables, graphics and maps.

Statistical Products and Data: A-F

Statistical Products and Data: G-N

Statistical Products and Data: P-Z

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