The job of the Department of Justice is to uphold the rule of law, to prosecute crime, and to protect civil rights.
The Department of Justice contains quite a few different sub-organizations (click and scroll down for the long list), several of which are discussed elsewhere on this LibGuide page (please let us know if one or more of the undiscussed departments should be added to this LibGuide). The DOJ groups its 73 sub-organizations into the following ten categories:
Some of the resources that the DOJ offers are:
*** Additionally, the Justice Department has a YouTube page with fourteen years of videos on it. ***
The DOJ also offers a number of publications, below is a small sample of the publications they wish to highlight.
The DOJ has a large archive of earlier publications (many of their sub-organizations have their own publications and archives).
Like many government agencies the Department of Justice also provides over 150 forms.
[Studying a form is a good way to get an idea of the priorities of an organization. In a few cases you may need to visit the website of the sub-organization - listed on the right-hand side of that page - to find the actual form.]
The Department of Justice also provides
Bureau of Justice Statistics:
The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the Justice Department section that provides criminal justice statistics in the United States. Among much, much, more information, the site provides links to:
The Office of Justice Programs is the largest grantmaking component of the Department of Justice and houses the Department’s criminal and juvenile justice-related science, statistics, and programmatic agencies. OJP provides research and statistics, and other critical resources to advance work that strengthens community safety, promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, and builds trust between law enforcement and communities.
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service Virtual Library contains bibliographic information and abstracts of more than 230,000 collection resources and over 80,000 online materials, including all known OJP works. A tutorial on using the Virtual Library is available through the link at the beginning of this sentence. Many, perhaps most, of the collection is available online as a free download. Information about obtaining other materials is available at This Link, and Renton Technical College Library Staff are happy to help you with an Interlibrary Loan request.
The Office of Justice Programs provides information in the following categories:
The Office of Justice Programs also provides information through these media:
The National Institute of Justice is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Click "Library & Multimedia" in the links across the top of their webpage for publications, podcasts, and more; click "Topics" information on Corrections, Courts, Crime Prevention, Crimes, Drugs and Crime, Equipment and Technology, Juvenile Justice, Forensic Sciences, Justice System Reform, Law Enforcement, Tribal Crime and Justice, Victims of Crime, and more. Of particular interest is the NIJ Journal, which features research-based information that can help inform policy decisions and improve understanding of the criminal justice system. The NIH Journal has an archive with 20 years of back issues. Each issue of the NIJ Journal focuses on a single theme, allowing the articles to dive into one specific topic from different scientific points of view.
The Department of Justice has interesting information available on the websites of many of its Bureaus, Agencies, and Sections. If you are looking for information that you are not finding through the many links above here please consult with an RTC Librarian or Library Staff (click on 'Library Hours') - our entire purpose is to help you get the information that you need. We participate in AskWA, a 24 hours a day Reference Chat feature, we are also available by telephone, and by email during our regular hours.