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Government Information, Statistics, and more!: Statistics of Income Division

This LibGuide is an annotated list of government, statistical, and reference information websites.

Statistics of Income Division

The Statistics of Income Division is a leading Federal statistical organization, a division of the Internal Revenue Service, which is a part of the Department of the Treasury.

  • There are a number of useful links below, but there are a lot more Statistics of Income Division pages (and, therefore, information)
    that are not directly linked to from here. On the left side of nearly every page of information there is a list of related topics (and other
    topics). Many of those links provide you with a list of subsidiary links to more specific data. The links below will help you get started
    with the vast amount of data SOI provides, but click around the site to see what more you can find. If it is tax-related statistics you
    are after, you can find them somewhere in the well-designed SOI site!

The Revenue Act of 1916 mandated the annual publication of statistics related to “the operations of the internal revenue laws” as they affect: Individuals, Businesses, Estates, Nonprofit Organizations, Trusts, Investments Abroad, and Foreign Investments in the United States. The information is used to analyze tax policy, project tax revenues, and estimate the overall impact of tax law changes and their effects on tax collections; the information about how the tax system works is shared with other government agencies, academics, researchers, and the general public.. The publication types SOI provides include traditional print sources Internet files, and files sent via e-mail.

Here are a variety of links to some of the products and services that the Statistics of Income Division provides:

Periodic Publications
Links to serial publications. Most publications are released annually or quarterly.

Data Products
Links to data file products.
Most of these data products are available as free downloads.

Links to a list of papers written by members of the Statistics
of Income Division of the Internal Revenue Service.

Business Tax Statistics

Charitable & Exempt Organization Statistics Individual Tax Statistics

Products, Publications, & Papers

Other IRS Data & Research

Statistics of Income (SOI)

IRS operations and budget

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