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Government Information, Statistics, and more!: National Center for Health Statistics

This LibGuide is an annotated list of government, statistical, and reference information websites.

National Center for Health Statistics

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The NCHS collects, analyzes, and disseminates timely, relevant, and accurate health data and statistics. Their products and services inform the public and guide program and policy decisions to improve the nation’s health. The NCHS website is a rich source of information about America’s health.

The links directly below gather important sources of information found on the NCHS website that, in their experience, are of interest to students and librarians (librarians are interested in everything, so that is an easy guess on their part). Further down are a variety of links to information across the NCHS website.

Publications and Information Products
Information on the country’s health is constantly changing. Over the years, NCHS has been instrumental in monitoring important changes in health trends. Each year, NCHS distributes hundreds of reports and other publications in a variety of formats, both electronic and hard copy.

  • NCHS Publications and Information Products
    Descriptions of recurring and historic publications. Search for a publication using specified search criteria (e.g., keywords, title, and subject).
  • NCHS Fact Sheets
    Quick guides presenting specific health topics and NCHS surveys and data-collection systems.
  • NCHS E-Mail Updates
    Free e-mail subscription service, which allows subscribers to receive timely notifications when publications and information products become available.
  • NCHS Listservs [The listservs are: Ambulatory Care List, Birth Publications List, National Hospital Care Survey Data List, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Long-Term Care List, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Researchers, National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) Announcements, NCHS Data Linkage Program, and State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (SLAITS). Subscribing and unsubscribing are both easy.]
  • Publications Using NCHS Data
    A list of reports, articles, journals, studies, and other publications citing data from NCHS surveys.
  • How to Cite NCHS Publications and Other Products (Citations are your friends!)

Data and Statistics by Topic
NCHS provides a number of resources for quick access to statistics on important public health topics.

  • FastStats: Statistics by Topic
    An A-Z index of major statistics on various health topics. References to source material and related pages are provided as well.
  • Health, United States
    Health, United States presents national trends in health statistics on such topics as birth and death rates, infant mortality, life expectancy, morbidity and health status, risk factors, use of ambulatory and inpatient care, health personnel and facilities, financing of health care, health insurance, and other health topics.
  • Summary Health Statistics from the National Health Interview Survey
    Summary Health Statistics are tables of descriptive statistics for various health measures including health status, conditions, health behaviors, activity limitations, health insurance coverage, and access and utilization of health care. Measures are shown for selected characteristics such as sex, age, race, ethnicity, family income, and region of the United States.

Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth

Main findings from the National Survey of Family Growth. All results are from published reports and include references to the source material.

Data Collection Systems

Population Surveys Vital Records Provider Surveys


Partnerships & Collaboration Services Data Integration


FastStats COVID-19 Data from NCHS Health Policy Data Requests

Data and Tools

Data Access Data Tools Data Analysis Aids Data Visualizations


Publications Historical Surveys and Discontinued Publications - An overview of surveys
and programs administered by the National Center for Health Statistics that
have been completed. (i.e. reports published a few years or a few decades
ago and which are still useful.)

News and Events

NCHS Press Room


  • Webinars
    Video recordings of earlier webinars are available.

Visual Gallery

Data Visualizations:
A collection of interactive tools that present NCHS data in a visually engaging format.
Visual Abstracts:
A collection of products for disseminating scientific research in
an engaging, easily digestible way. These serve as an adjunct
to a full scientific report.