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Government Information, Statistics, and more!: Home

This LibGuide is an annotated list of government, statistical, and reference information websites.


This LibGuide is an annotated list of government (U.S., Washington State, and United Nations) and public service websites [nongovernmental organizations, or 'NGOs'] that have lots of useful/interesting information in them.


The organizations in this LibGuide are a small sample of the very many governmental and nongovernmental organizations that are working on many many different problems and have many different collections of information about those problems and the people affected by them. If there is a kind of information that you would like to be able to find through this LibGuide please let us know - asking us to help you find information is asking us to do what we love to do!

There are 16 entries in the Federal Statistical System. The Federal Statistical System are agencies or bureaus charged with gathering statistics on everything from people to the economy, environment, and more.

Also available here are pages on the:

U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Justice Department U.S. Immigration/Citizenship Library of Congress Department of...
Other Government Websites, etc. Washington State United Nations Law Enforcement Nongovernmental Organizations

Suggestions are appreciated for addition to 'Other Government Websites, etc.' - the Federal Government has lots of websites!
Similarly with NGOs that you think should be included in Nongovernmental Organization.

If there is a sort of information that you want reliable statistics, data, or articles on, from a governmental or non-governmental organization, that you do not find in this or our other LibGuides, please let me know and I will try to find some useful sources to add to this or another LibGuide and also let you know what I find and/or be happy to show you how to find the information yourself!

Here are three of the Google searches I used to find information/agencies I had not thought of. Searches with 'LibGuide' added to the search terms are often quite successful in helping you with your information need!:

If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions, for this LibGuide please email me!

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